Genealogy Databases

Ancestry Library

Ancestry Library is the public library version of the genealogical index service. Use this massive database to search immigration records, military service, census data, vital records, obituaries, and publicly available family trees.

Ancestry Library can only be accessed on-site at the Library.


FamilySearch is an online storehouse for billions of free historical records curated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Use FamilySearch to find generations of genealogical data, including census records, images, family trees, maps, yearbooks, and more.

HeritageQuest Online

HeritageQuest Online is a collection of genealogical and historical sources, with coverage dating back to the 1700s. Search U.S. census records, full-text family and local history books, Freedman’s Bank records, and more. It is available to Tennessee residents for free through the Tennessee Electronic Library.