Local History

Local History

Local History

Tennessee Room

The Tennessee Room, located on the second floor, houses your Library’s non-circulating collection of genealogy, regional history books, and periodicals. It is focused on Northeast Tennessee and surrounding regions.

This collection includes extensive genealogical records, many of which are compiled and contributed by local genealogists. We also have publications that cover the latest in the genealogy community.

The Tennessee Room features a microfilm reader, which is publicly available for you to view microform film.

The Library keeps curated research folders of Johnson City history for anyone interested in exploring local mysteries, such as the Lady of the Fountain or Al Capone’s supposed secret hideouts.

Call the Information Desk at (423) 434-4454 or the Library’s Local History and Genealogy Specialist at (423) 434-4354 for more information about the Tennessee Room and local history research options.

Johnson City Press Archive

While on-site at the Library, you can access a fully-indexed archive of the Johnson City Press dating back to 1934, thanks to our partnership with Ancestry and Newspapers.com. To view and search the archive, you must be connected to the Library’s Wi-Fi, either on a Library computer or personal device.

This digital archive is fully searchable, giving you the ability to find any obituary or article published in the Press in the last 90 years. You can also save and print articles from your personal device or the Library’s Computer Center. 

Search Johnson City Press Archive

Genealogy Databases

Your Library has extensive digital genealogical resources to help you with your family history research. We provide access to Ancestry Library, FamilySearch, and HeritageQuest Online.

Explore Genealogy Databases